As with so many things in business, it is about keeping your mind open to new ways and approaches that can best solve a specific issue. What prevents us from often being able to move forward in an area is that we are trying to do it using the same approach – where we will get the same outcomes. So mixing it up a bit – trying some new things and seeing what could work in your business is well worth the effort.
So as you can see finding and engaging the right “who” does not necessarily mean employing someone directly full time and going through the complex process of doing this. There is more as to how you can do this as outlined in other posts I’ve made.
Start thinking outside of the normal. Engage highly specialised people in short term contracts or a few hours a week and even if you are paying a little more for them the impact could be 10x.
There is always a lot of talk in the tech industry of 10x programmers and how they can create the write a piece of code at the right time and impact the business 10x. Whereas other programmers working the same amount of time or more can create hundreds of pieces of code that flop, nobody really needed them. There are huge variants between people and their impact on a business. So keep in your mind who, not how.
The other key benefit from this approach is that it opens up more possibilities for you to explore which you may not normally do due to it being new or an unknown. This could be exploring a new system, new service or product line, operating in another geographical area, or even just trying something new in lead generation – eg Youtube. If you have an idea start thinking about who you can engage with for an initial discussion to define what may be possible.
So get who-ing stop how-ing!