Let’s talk about the concept of the ideal scene. I want to share further details as to how it works.

Ok – there are only ever 2 scenes in your life – The Current Scene and the Ideal Scene. The entire reason for building the Ideal Business model is to move from the Current Scene in a step-by-step process until you have the Ideal Scene as an everyday reality. Without this how will you know how to shape and build your business? How can you be confident that it will truly work for you? The answer is you can’t.

Ok, so let’s get into Ideal Scene Creation.  Some rule and guidelines for creating your ideal scene:

As an approach, start by looking at 3 aspects for your current scene:

1. What is good about your current scene that you want to retain.

In your current scene, there will be aspects of it that you are happy with and what you would consider ideal. These aspects you will want to retain and so will become part of your ideal scene. These should not just be OK but Ideal. Nothing about it that you would change.

For example, this may be your Marriage, relationship with your children, etc

2. What is not ideal about your current scene that needs changing. 

Next is to look at aspects that you would not consider ideal. They might be ok but not what you would consider ideal. So what would these aspects need to look like if they were ideal?

3. What is missing from your current scene?

This is often the hardest aspect of this process. Items 1 and 2 are dealing with things that exist. Here it is all about what is missing and needs some deep thought and consideration. Often this is where the big leaps in this process area.

So for example what may be missing from your current Scene is Children if you want children. Another thing that might be missing is being able to speak a specific language that you have a; ways wanted to learn. This is where you dig deep and look at what got lost along the way of building a business and reclaim it.

Start here, take your time, and deeply understand your current scene and then start writing out your big picture. Craft your Ideal scene and get clarity on where you are heading.