Definition: the fact or state of being independent

What I am hinting at here is your business being independent of you. This is no doubt every business owner’s ultimate dream.  As part of this, it is essential that your business is not Dependent on any one person. This brings high risk into your business.

You have a business that is fully independent of you having to work in it. The reality is only a small percentage of business owners even get close to achieving this or even a high level of independence. 

So if this is what we want as business owners why is it so elusive?

It is very much about mindset and beliefs rather than practical realities. Having in place a mindset that expects the business to be able to operate without you is essential as a starting point. So many business owners I talk to about this always have a list of why it is not possible in their business. 

These are the top mindset blockers that I have heard and see in operation for many businesses:

  1. What we do is very unique and with our approach, it is impossible to find the right people
  2. Can not afford to bring people on to do things I don’t want to do
  3. My clients only like to deal with me and would not deal with anyone else
  4. I have tried doing this before but it always ends up in a mess so it is not workable
  5. I need to know what is going on across the business to make sure things are operating properly
  6. No one will do it to the standard and level that I do it so it just won’t work for me

Do any of these sound familiar?