This becomes very valuable intellectual property (IP) for your business going forward. 

An excellent example of this is how we train Franchisees in my property inspection business – “Resicert”. I still recall the training session with my very first Franchisee – Jason Paizes. We connected instantly and he became a very successful franchisee and helped me set the tone and the direction of the business. The training was very basic – we sat together in my sunroom and I walked him through the process.

A bit further down the track, it turned into a 3 day then 5-day complete classroom business training framework that I delivered with assistance from team members. Danial McCullen a Franchisee at the time, also helped me develop and improve the training – bringing to the table his experience and expertise as a skilled teacher. So lower the dependency on me.

So fast forward to today – I have no involvement in the training and onboarding of a Franchisee. We have an extensive and customised online learning platform that delivers the best possible training to our franchisees. How we did this was by recording many of the classroom sessions and then building the documentation around it. So in essence I am still “involved in the training” through the many videos and procedures, but none of my time is required – it is fully independent of me.

We have certified trainers who are Franchisees that have the skills and knowledge to assist in the training of our Franchisees.

In our business model, we do not need someone to have experience in the building sector to operate a Resicert Franchise. This gives us a unique advantage. This is totally due to the unmatched training platform we have built.

This is a key example of codifying and extraction.

This has been a game-changer in so many ways and totally ticks of the 3P Filter:

  1. Our franchisees can now do most of the training (excluding the onsite training) at their own pace from the comfort of their own home. 
  2. The quality of the skills, knowledge, and expertise has never been as high resulting in high customer satisfaction and success for Franchisees
  3. It has reduced the amount the actual involvement of team members in the training and onboarding framework
  4. As a business owner, I was able to extract myself from this process and bring in higher expertise and skills which resulted in a better outcome for all.
  5. Bringing more Franchisees on board is now not linked to our resources and is now scalable.

So as you can see here this is an excellent example of what is possible and the massive benefits that can result.

So get hatting and drive your path to independence.