I strongly believe that a business should not only work – but work for YOU! So what other statistics should you track and measure as a business owner? Below are some of the success data  that I track and keep me on track. 

  1. Time: I have 100% control over my time and my income cash flow
  2. Relationships – Husband: Married for 35 years – great relationship with Robyn my wife
  3. Relationships: Father: Great relationships with my 3 kids (adults now!), Tessa, Carissa and Dante
  4. Travel: Lucky enough to have been able to travel extensively all over the world, on my own,with my wife and with my family 
  5. Time on fun stuff: In the last 5 years I have taken 57 weeks for travel all over the world 
  6. Freedom: Currently I am not involved in the day to to day operations of the business – my involvement is less than 5 hours per week

To me business should be part of your life journey not just about the destination. 

Sure there is an endgame in business, a potential cash out and sale, but it needs to work for you on the road to this outcome.One thing I have learnt about life is that it is unpredictable and things don’t always work out as we hoped or expected. 

With this in mind it enables you to focus on what the business needs to deliver to you as it grows, evolves and expands it. This then helps set the frame for a long game rather than a short sprint – which is exactly what business is.